Blogging: Good for Business

Your business’ blog is the home your content has been searching for. It’s your own personal platform to share your brand’s personality and expertise, and now is the time to get started. Not convinced? Here are some tried and true benefits of blogging for your brand:

Benefit 1:
Fuels the Social Media Fire

blogging for business


Blogging allows you to build lasting relationships and connect consistently with your target audience. It gives you a platform to establish yourself as an industry expert and build trust with your readers. And, once you have the content, you can amplify it through social media.

Sharing blog posts on your social media channels helps increase engagement and drives traffic to your blog! Additionally, if you decide to enable comments on the posts, you will receive direct feedback from your customers and followers. Social media also gives you access to a larger audience that can easily share, like, comment and retweet, which boosts engagement!

Benefit 2: Blogs Can Improve Your Search Optimization


Source: Streamline Results

Through consistently refreshed and targeted content, search engines will crawl your site, indexing your blog and improving your ranking. Use keywords in your posts and link to internal and external content to increase traffic to your site. For additional tips, check out:

Benefit 3: It’s All Yours

Blogging for Business

Source: One Up Web


Blogs are a form of owned media. If you invest all of your efforts on a social media platform, and it changes, you lose all of that hard work! On your site, you have content that you can control and use at your disposal no matter what!
If you’re just getting started on a blogging strategy, check out these tips from our “Blogging: The Basics” article. Or feel free to contact an R&A expert to get help!

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