Evaluate Your Marketing Strategy with These Four Questions

One thing we know for sure at Reed & Associates Marketing (R&A) is that good marketing will never go out of style.

To keep your brand looking its best, here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  1. Have you identified goals?
    Whether you want to build awareness or increase your return on investment, we can assist in determining your goals. Through a detailed exploration phase, we review the past, advise for the present, and prepare for the future.
  2. Do you have a healthy mix of marketing tactics at your disposal?
    Through extensive research and planning, we can identify which marketing techniques will make the biggest impact on your target audience. Our Media Think Tank will examine each traditional and non-traditional opportunity and provide recommendations based on the desired results.
  3. Do you measure the effectiveness of your efforts?
    It’s important to track how your advertising dollars are performing. At R&A, we have a unique performance-based approach. We track and analyze all data points, report on performance, then adjust based on our findings. Once we meet your goal, we don’t stop; we raise the bar.
  4. Do you reevaluate on a consistent basis?
    As your company grows, your customers’ needs will expand and change. We recommend reevaluating your tactics on an ongoing basis to make sure that you are still meeting your goals.


For more marketing tips and tricks follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn or pop over to our Services page to learn more about what we do.

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